Center for Sciences at Night


Landscape Design and Management Associates of Sciences Degree

Focuses on drafting and plant selection for sustainable landscapes. Possible career paths include:

  • Residential Landscape Designer
  • Landscape Contractor
  • Installation and Maintenance
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Irrigation Manager
  • Self-owned Enterprise
  • Careers at National Parks, Botanic Gardens and Private Estates

Associate Degree requirements must be completed with a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 (C) or better.

Entry Level - Required courses

  • PLNT SC 103: Introduction to Soils (3 units)
  • PLNT SC 711: Botany for Horticulture (3 units)
  • PLNT SC 714: Principles of Horticulture (3 units)
  • PLNT SC 800: Plant Identification and Use I (3 units)
  • PLNT SC 818: Basic Construction Techniques (3 units)
  • PLNT SC 828: Sustainable Water Management & Conservation (3 units)
  • PLNT SC 829: Sustainable Plant Selection (3 units)
  • PLNT SC 830: Sustainable Pest Control (3 units)
  • PLNT SC 896A: Horticulture Projects A (1 unit)
  • PLNT SC 896B: Horticulture Projects B (2 units)
  • PLNT SC 896C: Horticulture Projects C (3 units)

Major - Required courses

  • PLNT SC 801: Plant Identification and Use II (3 units)
  • PLNT SC 802: Plant Identification and Use III (3 units)
  • PLNT SC 806: Landscape Planning and Design (4 units)
  • PLNT SC 807: Advanced Landscape Planning and Design (4 units)
  • PLNT SC 812: Landscape Installation and Maintenance I (3 units)
  • PLNT SC 815: Blueprint Reading and Cost Estimating (2 units)
  • PLNT SC 820: Irrigation Design and Installation (3 units)
  • PLNT SC 822: Turf and Ground Cover Management (3 units)

Major - Elective Courses

Select a minimum of 7 semester units:
PLNT SC 701 (2 units), 800 (3 units), 801 (3 units), 802 (3 units), 806 (4 units), 807 (4 units), 812 (3 units),815 (2 units), 818 (3 units), 826 (3 units), 896A (1 unit), 896B (2 units),896C (3 units), 896C (3 units)

Major - Total Units: 52

General Education - Required courses

Students must complete one of the following General Education Plans:

  • Plan A: Not available with this major
  • Plan B: Pierce Career and Technical GE plan (18 units)
  • Plan C: CSU GE Breadth Certification Plan (39 units)
  • Plan D: IGETC (34-39 units)


Horse/Equine Science
Agriculture & Natural Resources
Office: CFS 91043


Savanah St. Clair, Department Chair
Email: @email
Phone: (818) 710-4250

Lu Dao, DVM, RVT Program Director
Pre-veterinary Medicine Director
Email: @email