Ships at Farm

Boggess Memorial Scholarship


This scholarship was named after Professors Lindsay and Ed Boggess. Lindsay was an agriculture professor – specializing in sheep production – when the college opened in 1947. He became Department Chair for Agriculture. His son, Ed took over running the sheep unit in the 1970's.


Student must be officially registered as an agriculture major at Pierce College. This would include majoring in general agriculture, animal sciences, pre-veterinary medicine, RVT or equine sciences.

Student must have successfully completed AS 501 (Principles of Animal Sciences), at least 12 units at Pierce College and maintained a 3.0 GPA (or higher). Student must demonstrate an interest in caring for the college's sheep and goats. Student must demonstrate humanitarian qualities. Student must have a career goal in the care or raising of food animals.

Student will submit a typed essay with the stated minimum requirements included in the essay. The essay should describe why the student is worthy of this scholarship award. It should be at least one page long, grammar, spelling and content will be considered in the final selection.

Submission of essay should be made to The Foundation for Pierce College Boggess Memorial Scholarship Committee.

Office Location

Office: CFS 91043


Savanah St. Clair
Department Chair
Horse/Equine Science
Agriculture & Natural Resources
Email: @email
Phone: (818) 710-4250

Lu Dao, DVM
RVT Program Director
Pre-veterinary Medicine Director
Email: @email