College Pierce Staff


Escort Services

To ensure the safety of our staff, students and visitors, we offer security escorts to vehicles. When desiring an escort, either come by the station, or call (818) 719-6450. Requests will be completed as quickly as possible based on priority, available personnel and completion of emergency calls.

Lost & Found

Lost and Found items may be reported to the L.A. Pierce College Sheriff's Station. The Sheriff's Station will attempt to locate and notify the owner, if the items turned in have identification. The Station reserves the right to dispose of items not claimed within 30 days.

Lost and Found can be reached at (818) 719-6450.

Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, Los Angeles Pierce College Station

Office Location

6201 Winnetka Ave.
Woodland Hills, CA 91371


Phone:(818) 719-6450
for General Info.