Mission Statement

It is the mission of the Pierce College Assessment Center to provide students with knowledge of their interests and aptitudes to better enable them to formulate their educational goals. When a student knows their English and math skill levels, they will be properly placed, thus increasing their probability of academic success.

All students must first apply to Los Angeles Pierce College (LAPC) and receive their Student ID number before taking part in the guided self-placement process. ESL Students Only.

ESL Guided Self-Placement Process

Complete the ESL Self-Placement Survey to receive an English as a Second Language Placement.


About the Placement Exams

Access your placement results online
Placement results can be viewed online at your Student Information System (SIS) portal.

  • Go to
  • Enter your Student ID Number and your password credentials to proceed.
  • Select the Student Success tile.
  • Then select assessment in the left navigation.

Placement Exam Notes

  • If you are in high school or graduated in the previous 10 years, your placement should be already updated in your student portal. If you have no placements in your portal contact counseling to participate in the guided self-placement process.

To learn more about the links and information provided by this web site, please to go our web page "Website Links". To learn more about documents provided by this website and document ADA-compliance, please go to our web page "Addressing Document Compliance".

Office Information


Email: @email