• A Student Educational Plan (SEP) is a semester by semester plan that helps you as a student know what courses to take each semester to reach your goal. Here are some tips to consider when creating a SEP for STEM students.Include prerequisites for all courses in your SEP. As a STEM student, you probably need to take a lot of Math and Chemistry. Most Science courses have prerequisites. Remember to include all prerequisites into your SEP in the right order.
  • Include all major preparatory courses into your SEP. Find your lower-division major prep courses on for UC and CSU schools. Certificate and Associate's degree students can find their major prep courses from the current Pierce College Catalog.
  • Include all courses needed for general education. Here are common general education plans used towards goals.
  • Finish your English and Math as soon as possible. Begin taking your English and Math from the first semester you are taking classes.
  • When scheduling courses semester by semester, try to keep general education in the Summer and Winter sessions and Science major preparation courses in the Fall and Spring semesters. When choosing courses keep in mind to take courses in a series (Biology 6 and 7), (Physics 101, 102, 103), (Physics 66 and 67), (Chemistry 101 and 102), and (Chemistry 211 and 212) at the same community college.
  • You can create a SEP through the Student Information System portal.

Transfer Center

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Remote Office Hours
Mondays to Thursdays: 8:00AM - 7:00PM
Fridays: 8:00AM - 4:00PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed

In-Person Hours*
Mondays to Fridays: 8:00AM - 4:00PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed
*Subject to Change

Center will be closed:
Labor Day: Sept 5
Veteran's Day: Nov 11
Thanksgiving: Nov 24 - 25
Winter Break: Dec 19 - Jan 2

Los Angeles Pierce College
6201 Winnetka Avenue
Woodland Hills, CA 91371


Email: @email
Phone: (818) 710-2907
Phone: (818) 710-4126

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