Frequently Asked Questions:

A: All Pierce College students can become PACE students. Current & prospective students must attend a PACE Info Session (orientation) or come to the PACE office to sign-up for the program. Please see the PACE home page for Upcoming Information Session dates. Please see STEP 1 and STEP 2 on the PACE home page. 

New Students: Please apply for admission to Pierce College by completing an application for admission. See the PACE Home page for Upcoming Information Session dates or contact at Lupita: @email. Please see STEP 1 and STEP 2 on the PACE home page. 

Returning Students: If you have been out of school for more than two consecutive semesters, please reapply for admission to Pierce College by completing an application for admissionPlease see STEP 1 and STEP 2 on the PACE home page. 

Continuing Active Pierce Students: Please self-enroll in the PACE Online Orientation. You will complete the orientation and submit the PACE application. Note: Only active students have access to the PACE Online Orientation. 




A: YES! PACE classes are regular Pierce College courses offered in an accelerated format (8-weeks in length -- hybrid or online).

A: Do not repeat the course. Be sure to meet with a counselor to create your Student Ed Plan. See "Counseling" link on the PACE webpage.

A: Yes! You can mix and match courses that fit your schedule. PACE gives you another way to access the classes you need.

A: PACE offers many fully online classes. Face-to-face PACE classes that are not fully online are hybrid (a portion of the course is online through Canvas).

A: You will be grouped as a PACE student in approximately 48 hours (if you are currently registered as a Pierce College student). To register for classes, you must wait for your Pierce College Registration Appointment.

A: The regular Pierce College semester is divided into two PACE sessions/quarters: 8 weeks in the 1st quarter and 8 weeks in the 2nd quarter. Some of the PACE hybrid classes also meet 2 or 3 Saturdays in every quarter; Saturdays are not optional.

A: Go to the "Counseling" link on our page to complete a form to make an appointment.

A: The PACE office cannot enroll you in a class. If you are a PACE student, you can enroll in a class through SIS. There is a PACE drop down menu in SIS under "Class Search Type."

ADDING A CLASS: If you are trying to ADD a PACE class after the semester has started, you need to attend on the first night of class. If the instructor has space to add, they will give you a Permission Code. PACE Permission Codes expire earlier than 15-week classes. Be sure to submit your code through SIS as soon as possible. If you have any enrollment issues, please go to Admissions and Records for helping clearing them.

A: Yes! PACE helps students complete their General Education requirements for all degrees & transfer.

A: Ready to graduate? Please go to the Graduation Office site and download the Petition to Graduate. Be sure to check DUE dates in order to be part of the Graduation ceremony. All petitions submitted to the graduation office must be approved by a counselor. Please make an appointment to meet with a counselor. When the Petition is complete, print the form and mail it to the Graduation Office or take it to the Graduation Office in person.

A: Important dates, including last day to add and drop, are listed in the class detail section of the course in SIS. After searching a course in SIS, click on the class section number to open the class and view the class details. At the bottom of that page you will find the "Important Dates" section.

Lupita Narkevicius
Student Services Assistant
(818) 610-6556

Joleen Voss Rodriguez
Director, Program for Accelerated College Education (PACE)


Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Fridays: 9:00AM - 5:30PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed

1000 Alder Building
Room 1000B


Phone: (818) 719-6485

Please Note: The PACE office is closed during PACE Orientations. The office also opens later on Orientation days. For the Orientation schedule, please see the Orientation page.